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The Howard McCarley Student Research Fund provides up to eight awards annually, up to $3000 each, to support student research. Applicants must be students (undergraduate or graduate) currently enrolled in an institution of higher education, sponsored by a faculty member, and a member of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Awards will be made in support of any aspect of research on biota of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America, except for travel to meetings. Individuals may receive a maximum of two grants from the Association. All qualified students are encouraged to apply, especially those in developing countries. More information about competing for the Howard McCarley Student Research Award can be found under Instructions for Student Awards.

El Fondo Howard McCarley para Investigación Estudiantil entrega hasta ocho premios anualmente, de hasta $3,000 US cada uno, para apoyar la investigación estudiantil. Los solicitantes deben ser estudiantes (licenciatura o postgrado) actualmente matriculados en una institución de educación superior, auspiciados por un profesor y ser miembros de la Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Los premios serán otorgados para apoyar cualquier aspecto de investigación de la biota del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México, y Centroamérica, excepto para viajes a congresos. Cada persona puede recibir un máximo de dos premios de la Asociación. Todos los estudiantes que cumplen los requisitos están invitados a solicitar, especialmente aquellos en países en vías de desarrollo. Información adicional de la competencia para el Premio Estudiantil para Investigación Howard McCarley se encuentra en Instrucciones para Premios Estudiantiles


Emily McGhee - Texas A&M Corpus Christi - MS

Common Bottlenose Dolphin Acoustics in Diverse Foraging Contexts/ Las acústicas del delfín mular en diversos contextos de alimentación

Advisor: Dara Orbach


Claudia Goss - Oklahoma State University - PhD

Hopping across the phylogeny: Investigating hybridization and toxin diversification in the American toad complex/Saltando a través de la filogenia: investigando la hibridación y la diversificación de toxinas en el complejo del sapo americano

Advisor: Guin Wogan

Smruti Pimplikar - University of Texas at Austin- PhD

A comparative test of reversal learning in wild-caught queen and worker bumblebees/Una prueba comparativa del aprendizaje inverso en abejorros reinas y obreros capturados en la naturaleza

Advisor: Felicity Muth


Sebastian Summo - Eastern New Mexico University - MS

Understanding the distribution and threats to imperiled Western Ribbonsnakes (Thamnophis proximus) in eastern New Mexico/Comprendiendo la distribución y las amenazas a las serpientes cinta occidental (Thamnophis proximus) en peligro en el este de Nuevo México

Advisor: Drew Davis

Allison Autry - Claremont Graduate University - PhD

Conserving Rare and Disjunct Orchids in a Changing American West/ Conservación de orquídeas raras y discontinuas en un oeste americano cambiante

Advisor: Naomi Fraga


Ari Rice - Texas Tech University- PhD

Structural variants and their adaptive significance in a hybrid wood-warbler population (Aves: Parulidae) on a Texas Sky Island/Variantes estructurales y su significado adaptativo en una población híbrida de reinita común (Aves: Parulidae) en una isla del cielo de Texas

Advisor: Joseph Manthey

Angel Rivera - Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas - BS

Effects of long-distance translocation in Bothrops asper in the Lacandon Rainforest/Efectos de la translocación a larga distancia en Bothrops asper en la selva Lacandona 

Advisor: José Manuel Aranda Coello


Gwen Kirshke - North Carolina State - PhD

Bumble Bee Navigation of Spatially Patchy Floral Resources in Subalpine Meadows/Navegación de abejorros por recursos florales espacialmente irregulares en prados subalpinos

Advisor: Elsa Youngsteadt


Andreanna Schultz, Christopher Newport University

Beyond “Thermoregulation” in Lizards


Danielle Kirsch, Oklahoma State University

Impact of early predation stress and aging on reproductive senescence and telomere length in a freshwater snail

Britt A. White, University of Texas at Austin

Ontogeny of color: harnessing transcriptomics to understand signal development in a color polymorphic lizard


Anastasia Pittis, University of New Mexico

Through the Lens of the Microbiome: How the External Microbiota of Bats Changes After the Arrival of WNS

Antonia Androski, University of New Mexico

Insular evolution across latitudes: comparing sky and oceanic island population divergence at distributional limit.


Anna Willoughby, University of Georgia, Odum School of Ecology

Impacts of seasonal tourism on rock squirrel diet and parasitism in southwestern Utah

Cameron Forehand, University of Oklahoma

Captive Texas horned lizard Microbiome Assembly and Diversity


Makayla Guinn, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Physiological assessment of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the hypersaline Laguna Madre, Texas

Ernesto Becerra, Instituto de Ecología AC

Efectos del paisaje y degradación antropogénica del hábitat sobre la diversidad y flujo genético en una tortuga de agua dulce en el norte de México.



Diana Macias, University of New Mexico

Landscape genomics and local adaptation of Piñon Pine (P. edulis) across the intermountain west / Genómica del paisaje y adaptación local del pino piñón (P. edulis) en el oeste intermontañoso

  Aaron J. Stewart, University of South Alabama

Investigating the ontogenetic changes in venom expression in ribbon snakes / Investigación de los cambios ontogenéticos en la expresión del veneno en las serpientes listonadas.

Teresa Salas-H., Unidad Durango, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Effects of landscape elements on the genetic variation of Chaetodipus nelson (Rodentia) in the middle basin of the San Pedro-Mezquital River, Durango/ Efecto de los elementos del paisaje sobre la variación genética de Chaetodipus nelson (Rodentia) en la cuenca media del río San Pedro-Mezquital, Durango


Janelle Talavera, Binghamton University

Prezygotic isolation and speciation in a Neotropical lizard through a sensory drive lens / Aislamiento precigótico y especiación en una lagartija neotropical a través de una lente de conducción sensorial

Rosemary Glos, Michigan State University

Trichome-mediated defense in Mentzelia (Loasaceae) / Defensa mediada por tricomas en Mentzelia (Loasaceae)


Anthony Grate, Missouri State University

Population and habitat assessments of the hicatee (Dermatemys mawii) in Belize / Evaluaciones de población y hábitat de la tortuga blanca (Dermatemys mawii) en Belice

Jeffrey Roth, Angelo State University

A Molecular reevaluation of Bewick’s Wren (Thryomanes bewickii) subspecies in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas / Una reevaluación molecular de la subespecie del reyezuelo de Bewick (Thryomanes bewickii) en Oklahoma, Nuevo México y Texas


Eliza Mills, Texas A&M- Corpus Christi

Behavioral and movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a region of high anthropogenic disturbance / Patrones de comportamiento y movimiento del delfín nariz de botella (Tursiops truncatus) en una región de alta perturbación antropogénica

Anne Elizabeth Thaxton, University of South Alabama

Testing the timing of gene expression during venom replenishment / Prueba de la sincronización de la expresión genética durante la reposición de veneno



Chelsea Martin, Loma Linda University, CA

Social Buffering in Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes: Effects of Social Housing on Defensive Behaviors and Stress

Research Advisor: William Hayes


Andrés Contreras Mora, UACH


Research Advisor: Ángela Andrea Camargo Sanabria

Emily Harmon, University of North Carolina

The role of parental environment in shaping phenotypes

Research Advisor: David Pfennig

  Peter Pfaff, Kansas State University

Farmponds: An Understudied Habitat Which Could be our last-ditch Effort to Save Topeak Shiner in Kansas

Research Advisor: Keith Gido

Alex Guzman, Texas State University

Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on the Red Shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis

Research Advisor: Dr. Chris C. Nice


Daniel Guerra, Texas State University

Examining Habitat Use of Gopherus berlandieri (Texas Tortoise) in Coastal Regions of the Lower Rio Grande Valley

Research Advisor: Joseph Veech

Katie Fitzgerald, Angelo State University

Utilizing Molecular Approaches to Assess Seasonal Diet Variations of Cave Myotis (Myotis velifer)

Research Advisor: Loren K. Ammerman

  William Thompson, Angelo State University

Characterization of Long-legged Myotis (Myotis volans) roost trees identified using a novel audio telemetry method.

Research Advisor: Loren K. Ammerman


Ashley Gagnon, M.S. student at Missouri State University

Ecological correlates of bite performance of Alligator Snapping Turtles

Advisor: Day Ligon 

  Esaú Flores Martínez, B.S. student at Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango 

Lack of neurotoxins in Crotalus tzabcan venom is due to the absence of the genes for crotoxin

Advisor: Miguel Borja

Samantha Smith, Ph.D. Student at the University of Texas at Austin 

The consequences of vocal frequency bandwidth and diurnality on predator attraction in a rodent with an elaborate song.

Advisor: Steven Phelps

  Rhett Rautsaw, Ph.D. student at Clemson University

Testing the influence of competition on venom evolution in sky-island rattlesnakes

Advisor: Christopher Parkinson

Gwen Kirschke, B.S. student from Agnes Scott College 

Quantifying nectar trait responses to natural variation in water availability in subalpine plant communities

Advisor: Paul CaraDonna


Issac Camargo, Ph.D. student at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Paleophylogeography of desert shrews in the genus Notiosorex

Advisor: Sergio Ticul Álvarez Castañeda

Elyse Ellsworth, M.S. student at the University of Oklahoma 

A stable isotope analysis approach to understanding diet of Dermatemys mawii

Advisor: Cameron Siler


Landy Leticia Cab Sulub, Ph.D. student from Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste

Analysis of the remaining optimal habitat for the San Quintín Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys gravipes), endemic to México

Advisor: Sergio Ticul Álvarez Castañeda


William T. Coleman

Variance in genetic diversity of an endangered freshwater beetle before and after an adverse climatic event


Melanie R. Kazenel

Causes and consequences of long-term change in bee abundance and diversity

Justin Agan

Potential Temperature Override of Genotypic Sex Determination in the Lizard Crotaphytus collaris


Ali Ituriel Villanueva-Hernandez

Phylogeny and phylogeography of the Peromyscus truei species complex (Rodentia: Cricetidae)

Taylor Carlson

Use of eDNA to confirm extant presence of the Ringed Salamander


Kameron Voves

Uncovering the Trophic Niches of Aquatic Turtles in a System with Reintroduced Alligator Snapping Turtles 

Martha Guadalupe Domínguez Reyes

Diversidad y distribución de macromicetos saprobios del área de protección de flora y fauna cerro mohinora, chihuahua, méxico


Danielle Kirsch

Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Safety Cues

Ciara Crochett - Undergraduate, St. Edward’s University

Hormonal-mediated dominance hierarchies in a coercive livebearing fish.

Advisor, Dr. Raelynn Deaton Haynes

  Isaác Camargo, PhD

Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Filogeografía del género (Soricidae: Notiosorex) en la Península de Baja California; Phylogeography of the genus Soricidae:Notiosorex in the Peninsula of Baja California (shrews).

Advisor, Dr. Sergio Ticul Álvarez Castañeda

Allison Hannah, MS, Oklahoma State Univ.

The effects of temperature on physiology in frogs and their dispersal to the temperate zone from the tropics.

Advisor, Dr. Daniel Moen

  Gregor Hamilton, PhD Univ. of New Mexico        

A novel approach to trace effects of invasive species across food webs using stable isotopes.

Advisor: Dr. Thom Turner

Roxanne Pourshoushtari, MS,  Angelo State Univ.

Assessment of the genetic variability of the mexican long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) using microsatellite markers.

Advisor: Dr. Loren Ammerman

  Lisa Walsch, PhD, University of Michigan

Evaluating the Virginia opossum’s historical northward expansion from Mesoamerica.

Advisor: Dr. Priscilla K. Tucker

Holly Garrod, MS, Villanova Univ.

A tale of two todies: how vocalizations influence gene flow in sympatric species.

Mentor, Dr. Robert Curry

  Aline Méndez Rodríguez, MS, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Hibridación de Pteronotus fulvus y Pteronotus gymnonotus (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae). Hybridization in chiropterans.

Mentor, Dr. Ricardo López Wilchis


Ashley Burke, St. Edwards University

Using population estimates to assess the current status of the understudied seahorses (Family: Syngnathidae) in the Gulf of Texas

Advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes


Linyi Zhang, Rice University

Testing tight co-speciation versus diffuse host shift speciation between a community of ecologically specialized gall wasps and their host plants

Advisor: Scott Egan

Robert W. BusbeeTexas State University

Testing for cryptic diversity of natural enemies of one of Texas's most common insects.

Advisor: James R. Ott


Sarah K. Winnicki, Kansas State University

Differential growth and development of grassland-obligate songbirds: effects of Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) brood parasitism

Advisor: W. Alice Boyle

Catherine Chen, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill

The role and evolutionary significance of multimodal signaling in hybridizing spadefoot toads

Advisor: Karin Pfennig


Scott Goeppner, Oklahoma State University

Effect of transgenerational plasticity on trophic interactions involving Physa acuta.

Advisor Barney Luttbeg

Claire Hemingway, University of Texas

Decision-making in a complex foraging environment by wild, frog-eating bats (Trachops cirrhosus

Advisor: Michael J. Ryan


William G. Terry, Texas State University

Habitat use of co-occurring anuran species in three-dimensional cave environments of the Edwards Plateau in Central Texas

Advisor: James R. Ott


Juan Jiménez, Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango

Title: Genetic variability and biochemical characterization of metalloproteinases of the Mojave toxin of Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus y Crotalus molossus nigrescens de la Mexican Chihuahuan Desert / Variabilidad genética y caracterización bioquímica de las metaloproteinasas y la toxina Mojave de Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus y Crotalus molossus nigrescens del Desierto Chihuahuense Mexicano.

Research advisor: Rebeca Pérez Morales


Luz Sil Berra, Instituto de Biología, UNAM

Title: Structural assemblies and bats habitat preference in relation to the degree of disturbance in the coast of Jalisco, Mexico / Estructura de lost ensambles de murcielagos y preferenceia de habiat con relacion al grado de alteracion en la coast de Jalisco, México.

Research advisor: Cornelio Sánchez Hernández

Andrew Mason, University of Central Florida

Title: Elucidating selective forces and molecular mechanisms driving venom evolution in palm pit-vipers / La aclaración de las fuerzas selectivas y molecular mecanismos de accionamiento evolution veneno en palm pit-vipers.

Research advisor: Chris Parkinson


Gina Calabrese, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Title: The evolutionary process of adaptation to variable habitat in a range expansion / El proceso evolutivo de adaptación al hábitat variable en un rango de expansion.

Research advisor: Karen Phennig

Tim O'Connor, University of California Berkley

Title: Host plant polyploidy and the diversification of creosote bush insects / Anfitrión poliploidía planta y la diversificación de los insectos de arbusto de creosote.

Research advisor: Noah Whiteman


Carmina Martinez Gonzales, Instituto de Biología, UNAM

Title: Diferenciacion genetica de las poblaciones insulates de las iguanas Ctenosaura hemilopha y Sauromalus varius usando technicas de secuenciacion masiva de nueva generacion (RADseq) / Genetic differentiation of island populations of Iguanas Ctenosaura hemilopha and Sauromalus varius using techniques using new generation sequencing (RADseq).

Research advisor: Víctor Hugo Reynoso Rosales

Amanda Driscoe, Texas State University

Title: Genetic divergence of a specialized herbivore as a function of host plant and geography / La divergencia genética de un herbívoro especializado en función de la planta huésped y la geografía.

Research advisor: James Ott


Pamela Cisneros, St. Edwards University

Title: Friend, Foe, or Frenemy? Testing the Dear Enemy Hypothesis in a Sex Role Reversed Pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli / Amigo, enemigo, o Frenemy ? Prueba de la Hipótesis Querido enemigo en un pez aguja de papel de Sexo Invertido, Syngnathus scovelli.

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes


Kate Bell, Texas State University

Title: Exploration of the Evolutionary Landscape of Chemical Sequestration Using a Model System.

Research advisor: Chris Nice


Lynne Beaty, Oklahoma State University

Title: The latent effects of early life experience on frog behavior

Research advisor: Barney Luttbeg

Justin Agan, Oklahoma State University

Title: Precocial Sexual Selection in Crotaphytus collaris: A Field Experiment.

Research advisor: Stanley Fox


Young Zhou, Texas A&M University

Title: Woody encroachment of Prosopis glandulosa into the Rio Grande Plains: Reconstruction of vegetation dynamics from a landscape-scale 3-dimensional pattern of soil δ13C.

Research advisor: Thomas W. Boutton

Miguel Aguillar, Texas State University

Title: When Feces Hit The Fan: To What Extent Do White-Tailed Deer Facilitate The Spread of Non-Indigenous Plants in the Wildland-Urban Interface?

Research advisor: Joe Beech


Danielle Perryman, Oklahoma State University

Title: Hormonal Effects of Supplemental Feeding On Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis).

Research advisor: Jennifer Grindstaff

Julian Rios, St. Edwards University

Title: Fighting with Swords: Genital Combat as an Alternative Explanation for Same Sex Mating in a Coercive Livebearer (Gambusia affinis).

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes


Clint Morris, St. Edwards University

Title: Habitat Complexity as a Predictor for Female Oviposition Preference in Two Gulf Coast Gobies.

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes


Denise Thompson, Oklahoma State University

Title: The influence of social networks on population genetics in the alligator snapping turtle.

Research advisor: Ron Van Den Bussche


Jason Strickland, University of Central Florida

Title: Venom evolution in rattlesnakes of the southwestern United States.

Research advisor: Chris Parkinson

Catherine Bell, Texas State University

Title: The exploration of the evolutionary landscape of chemical sequestration using a model system from the southern United States.

Research advisor: Chris Nice


Scott Clark, University of Southern Mississippi

Title: The evolution of movement strategies in a closely related group of topminnows.

Research advisor: Jake Schaefer

Erin Adams, Angelo State University

Title: Nightly and seasonal movements of Mexican long-nosed bats.

Research advisor: Loren Ammerman


Laura Stewart, University of Southern Mississippi

Title: The influence of local thermal adaptation on stream fishes.

Research advisor: Jake Schaefer

Holis Dahn, University of Central Florida

Title: Examining specific and subspecific diversity within two monotypic snake genera.

Research advisor: Chris Parkinson


April Navarro, St. Edwards University

Title: The effects of ART on female aggression in a sex role reversed pipefish.

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton Haynes


Charline Valerie Mejia, St. Edwards University

Title: Sperm storage in live-bearing fishes.

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton


Hillary P. Evans, St. Edwards University

Title: Effects of male body size and competitor size on male fitness in two species of livebearing fishes.

Research advisor: Raelynn Deaton

Emma Roberts, Texas Tech University

Title: The Utility of Zonadhesin in Examining a Potential Isolation Mechanism in Three Pairs of Rodent Species.

Research advisor: Robert D. Bradley


Ruben Tovar, Texas State University

Title: The comparative expression of Pax6 as a mediator of ocular development in the Texas Blind Salamander and San Marcos Salamander, a case study in evolutionary developmental biology.

Research advisor: Dana García

Oliver Keller, Wichita State University

Title: Species delimitation in the California bear scarabs: using molecular tools to clarify the Paracotalpa ursina (Coleoptera) species complex.

Research advisors: Mary Liz Jameson


Matthew J. Troia, Kansas State University

Title: Testing temperature-dependent egg development as a driver of prairie fish distributions: implications for mechanistic niche models and climate change.

Research advisor: Keith Gido

Danielle Alba, Oklahoma State University

Title: Exploring the mechanisms underlying intraspecific variation in somatic stoichiometry and ecological functions of species.

Research advisor: Michael Tobler


Scott Clark, University of Southern Mississippi

Title: Ecological drivers of movement in stream fish.

Research advisor: Jake Schaefer


Fiona Soper, Cornell University

Title: Does time matter? Identifying patterns and drivers of nitrogen fixation during woody encroachment of Prosopis glandulosa (honey mesquite) into the Rio Grande Plains

Research advisor: Jed Sparks


Sarah Bartlett, Angelo State University

Title: Molecular systematics of bonneted bats (Molossidae: Eumops) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences

Research advisor: Loren Ammerman

Danielle Alba, Oklahoma State University

Title: Testing for eco-evo-eco feedback loops in Poecilia mexicana (Atlantic Molly) across ecologically divergent environments: an elemental approach

Research advisor: Michael Tobler


Melissa Jones, Texas State University

Title: Testing habitat restoration options in the Houston toad (Bufo houstonensis) within the aftermath of the Bastrop County Complex Fire

Research advisor: Michael Forstner

Lily Swanbrow, Texas State University

Title: Effects of turbidity on the foraging behavior of fountain darters (Etheostoma fonticola)

Research advisors: Caitlin Gabor


Desirae Weyland, Texas State University

Title: Evolutionary ecology of life history variation in the genus Asterocampa

Research advisor: Chris Nice

Chelsea Blake, Texas State University

Title: Invasive predator selection on suites of correlated behaviors in native prey

Research advisor: Caitlin Gabor


Johanna Varner, University of Utah

Title: Too hot to trot? Factors promoting pika survival in a time of global climate change

Research advisor: M. Denise Dearing


Andrea Acevedo, Oklahoma State University

Title: Mate choice strategies in collared lizards: sexual selection in toddlers

Research advisor: Stanley Fox

Cody W. Thompson, Texas Tech University

Title: Dynamics and maintenance of a hybrid zone between two ground squirrels (Spermophilus) in the Southern Plains

Research advisor: Robert D. Bradley


Drew R. Davis, Texas State University

Title: Do introduced predators differentially influence the behavior and physiological stress response of the threatened San Marcos salamander, Eurycea nana?

Research advisor: Caitlin R. Gabor

Jessica L. Sanchez, Sam Houston State University

Title: The role that reproduction plays in predicting fish community structure

Research advisor: P. Raelynn Deaton


Melissa Merrick, University of Arizona

Title: Does forest damage affect settlement in an endangered, endemic forest obligate? Desert sky islands as microcosms for studying impacts of climate change.

Research advisor: John Koprowski


Adam Ferguson, Texas Tech University

Title: Assessing the influence of kinship on social interactions and spatial structuring of the American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus).

Research advisor: Richard E. Strauss

Kevin Kohl, University of Utah

Title: Investigating the role of intestinal microbes in the metabolism of plant toxins.

Research advisor: Denise Dearing


Dana Lee, Oklahoma State University

Title: Documenting historical shifts in species composition using DNA from ancient bat guano.

Research advisor: Ron Van den Bussche

Jason Strickland, Angelo State University

Title: Analysis of phylogeographic variation among Texas cottonmouths, Agkistrodon piscivorous, using nuclear AFLP markers and venom protein profiles

Research advisors: J. Kelly McCoy and Loren Ammerman


Kelly Goodsheller, Texas State University

Title: Does xylem vulnerability to embolism explain the distributions of Quercus fusiformis and Quercus virginiana in Central Texas?

Research advisor: Susan Schwinning


Matthew Anderson, Oklahoma State University

Title: The effect of tail loss on mating strategies and territory size and quality in the lizard Uta stansburiana.

Research advisor: Stanley Fox

Paul Hampton, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Title: Venom function in pitvipers: Does prey envenomation enhance digestive performance and reduce its cost?

Research advisor: Brad Moon


Cristina Campbell, Texas State University

Title: Discovery and efficacy of a hypersensitive-like plant defense in live oak against a host-specific gall former.

Research advisor: James Ott

Anica Debelica, Baylor University

Title: Food resource partitioning by forest-dwelling bats and implications for conservation.

Research advisor: Ken Wilkins

Ecosystem services performed by native freshwater mussels: filter feeding and nutrient cycling

Laura Alberici da Barbiano, Texas State University-San Marcos

Title: Multiple origins of a gynogenetic species.

Research advisor: Caitlin Gabor


Michelle H. Downey, Texas State University-San Marcos

Title: The role of host plant fidelity in local adaptation of juniper hairstreak butterflies (Mitoura) in Texas.

Research advisor: Chris C. Nice

J. Hayley Gillespie, University of Texas at Austin

Title: uantifying Seasonal Diet Variation in Eurycea sosorum.

Research advisor: Camille Parmesan


Christopher Kroll, Sam Houston State University

Title: Use of Microsatellite Paternity Analysis to Assess Effects of Male Density and Size on Male Mating Success in the Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis).

Research advisor: P. Raelynn Deaton

Meredith Magnuson, Oklahoma State University

Title: Effect of tragus size on relationships among pinna size, echolocation call parameters, and foraging ecology.

Research advisor: Karen McBee


Clinton D Francis, University of Colorado

Title: The role of secondary chemistry in nest site selection and success of birds within a piñon-juniper woodland.

Research advisor: Alexander Cruz


Jennifer M. Gumm, Lehigh University

Title: Recognition and reproductive success across male mating tactics in Cyprinodon elegans.

Research advisor: Murray Itzkowitz

Margaret Greenlee Rheude, University of Arizona

Title: Mesocarnivore historic use of corridors through the Sonoran Desert: The impact of urbanization.

Research advisor: John L. Koprowski


Cybil Nicole Smith, Oklahoma State University

Title: Social behavior of Plestiodon obsoletus, Plestiodon obtusirostris, and Scincella lateralis.

Research advisor: Stanley Fox

Pamela Willis, University of Texas at Austin

Title: The role of direct costs in mate choice of hybridizing swordtail species.

Research advisor: Michael J. Ryan


Robert W. Bryson, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Title: Evolution and Historical Biogeography of the Montane Herpetofauna Inhabiting the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental of Northern Mexico.

Research advisor: Javier A. Rodriguez


P. Raelynn Deaton, University of Oklahoma

Title: Use of microsatellites to assess multiple paternity in a study population of the western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis.

Research advisor: Edie Marsh-Matthews

Andrew J. Edelman, University of New Mexico

Title: Temporal variations in banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) mounds.

Research advisor: Astrid Kodric-Brown


Sheena Humbird, Sam Houston State University

Title: Extra-pair mating tactics in the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis): A test of the "Constrained Female Hypothesis".

Research advisor: Diane Neudorf

Molly M. McDonnough, Angelo State University

Title: Genetic, karyotypic, and morphological variation in the bonneted bats: Eumops glaucinus and Eumops floridanus (Chiroptera: Molossidae).

Research advisor: Loren Ammerman


Rebecca M. Calisi, University of Texas at Arlington

Title: An integrative look at female coloration in the Mexican boulder spiny lizard, Sceloporus pyrocephalus: reproductive state, immune function, and hormone physiology.

Research advisor: Daniel Formanowicz


Catalina Estrada, University of Texas at Austin

Title: Pupal mating in Heliconius butterflies: implications in the evolution of mimicry and community structure.

Research advisor: Lawrence E. Gilbert

David P. Gillette, University of Oklahoma

Title: The importance of habitat patch context to stream fishes

Research advisor: William J. Matthews


John H. Matthews, University of Texas at Austin

Title: Novel Applications of isotopic and genetic tracers for understanding migratory behavior in a changing climate.

Research advisor: Camille Parmesan

Rachael Remington, University of Oklahoma

Title: Ecology and evolution of turbidity tolerances in freshwater fishes

Research advisor: William J. Matthews


Katie N. Bertrand, Kansas State University

Title: Interactive effects of disturbance frequency and species composition on ecosystem functioning of intermittent streams.

Research advisor: Keith B. Gido


P. Raelynn Deaton, University of Oklahoma

Title: Use of microsatellite paternity analysis to determine reproductive success in parasitized male mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis)

Research advisor: Edie Marsh-Matthews

Josh Donlan, Cornell University

Title: Plant herbivore interactions along an environmental gradient: how species interactions vary with environmental change.

Research advisor: Harry Greene


María Cristina García de la Peña, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Title: Organización ecológica de un gremio de lacertilios en Dunas de Arena en Viesca, Choahuila, Mexico

Research advisor: Armando J. Contreras Balderas

Matthew D. Stone, Oklahoma State University

Title: Calcium regulation in relation to reproductive condition in a calcium-deficient tortoise (Gopherus berlandieri).

Research advisor: Eric C. Hellgren



Chad Hargrave, University of Oklahoma

Title: Mechanisms for fish effects in stream ecosystems.

Research advisor: Bill Matthews


Beth Moeller, Oklahoma State University

Title: Conservation ecology of the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum): Comparative effects of summer and winter burning.

Research advisor: Eric Hellgren

Bret Pasch, University of Arizona

Title: Space use of Chiricahua Fox Squirrels (Sciurus nayaritensis chiracahuae) relative to fire history.

Research advisor: John Koprowski


Aaron Reed, Kansas State University

Title: Effect of litter on seed availability to granivores.

Research advisor: Glennis Kaufman

Sarah Weyandt, Oklahoma State University

Title: Population genetics of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii ingens

Research advisor: Ron Van Den Bussche


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