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Southwestern Association of Naturalists

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The Southwestern Association of Naturalists has established awards that recognize outstanding contributions to the understanding of the biota of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America, and to the Association. Nominations are solicited for the following awards presented by the Association. They should consist of a letter of nomination from a current member of SWAN, several supporting letters of recommendation, and curriculum vitae of the individual nominated. The deadline for nominations is 11 February. Nominations are considered for three years. Nominations should be sent to Julie Waits ( Southwestern Association of Naturalists ha establecido premios que reconocen contribuciones sobresalientes al entendimiento de la biota del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica, y para la Asociación. Se solicitan nominaciones para los siguientes premios otorgados por la Asociación. Deben consistir de una carta de nominación por un miembro actual de SWAN, varias cartas de recomendación, y un currículum vitae del individuo nominado. Envíe nominaciones para el 11 de febrero. Las nominaciones se considerarán por tres años. Nominaciones deben ser enviadas a Julie Waits (

  • W. Frank Blair Eminent Naturalist Award/El Premio Naturalista Eminente W. Frank Blair
  • Donald W. Tinkle Research Excellence Award/El Premio Excelencia Investigacional Donald W. Tinkle
  • Robert L. Packard Outstanding Educator Award/El Premio Educador Sobresaliente Robert L. Packard
  • Jerry R. Choate Meritorious Service Award/El Premio Servicio Meritorio Jerry R. Choat
  • George Miksch Sutton Award in Conservation Research/El Premio en Investigación de Conservación George Miksch Sutton

W. Frank Blair Eminent Naturalist Award/El Premio Naturalista Eminente W. Frank Blair

Recognizes excellence in a lifetime of commitment to outstanding study or conservation of the flora or fauna of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America./Reconoce la excelencia y dedicación de toda la vida al estudio o conservación sobresaliente de la flora o fauna del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México, y Centroamérica.


Charles C. Carpenter 1986

James R. Dixon 1987

Walter W. Dalquest 1988

Clark Hubbs 1989

E. Lendell Cockrum 1990

Henry S. Fitch 1991

Howard McCarley 1994

Harley P. Brown 1997

Robert Rush Miller 1998

Neil H. Douglas 1999

David E. Brown 2000

Hobart M. Smith 2001

Roger Conant 2002

Robert C. Stebbins 2002

Albert (Pat) Blair 2003

Wilmer W. Tanner 2004

Douglas A. James 2006

Jonathan Campbell 2007

Ernest A. Liner 2007

Anthony A. and Alice F. Echelle 2010

William Duellman 2011

Henry Robison 2012

Jay M. Savage 2013

Bayard Brattstrom 2021

Thomas Roger Van Devender 2021

Ana Lilia Reina Guerrero 2021

Edie Marsh-Matthews 2022

William Matthews 2022


Donald W. Tinkle Research Excellence Award/El Premio Excelencia Investigacional Donald W. Tinkle

Presented to an individual who, in the past 10 years, has made a significant contribution to knowledge and understanding of the biota of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America through scientific articles and books. Significance of these written works and their quality and quantity are factors in selection of a recipient of this award./Se otorga a un miembro que, en los últimos 10 años, haya hecho una contribución significativa al conocimiento y entendimiento de la biota del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica en artículos y libros científicos. La importancia de estos trabajos escritos y su calidad y cantidad son factores en la selección de un ganador de este premio.


David J. Schmidly 1988

Michael A. Mares 1989

John W. Bickham 1990

J. Knox Jones, Jr. 1992

Robert J. Baker 1993

Anthony A. and Alice F. Echelle 1994

Troy L. Best 1995

William J. Matthews 1996

Salvador Contreras-Balderas 1998

Cornelio Sánchez-Hernández 1999

Ronald A. Van Den Bussche 2003

James R. Dixon 2004

Armando Contreras Balderas 2006

Caryn Vaughn 2007

Mark S. Hafner 2008

Aurelio Ramírez-Bautista 2009

Stanley Fox 2012

Neil Ford 2016

Jake Schaefer 2018
Karen McBee 2019

Troy Baird 2020

Robert L. Packard Outstanding Educator Award/El Premio Educador Sobresaliente Robert L. Packard

Presented to a member who, in his or her career, has made significant contribution to understanding of the biology of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America through teaching or presenting scientific information to the general public. Achievements in one or more of the following areas are considered for this award: number of graduate students, number of undergraduate and graduate courses taught, impact on the careers of students, public lectures, popular articles, public exhibitions, and field trips for the public./Se otorga a un miembro que, en su carrera, haya hecho una contribución significativa al entendimiento de la biología del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, México y Centroamérica por medio de enseñanza o presentando información científica al público general. Logros en una o más de las siguientes áreas son considerados para este premio: número de alumnos de postgrado, número de cursos de licenciatura y de postgrado enseñados, impacto en la carrera de los alumnos, conferencias públicas, artículos populares, exposiciones públicas y excursiones al campo para el público.


Jerry R. Choate                               1988

Robert F. Clarke                              1989

Michael L. Kennedy                        1990

Gary A. Heidt                                  1992

Gary D. Schnell                               1993

Eugene D. Fleharty                         1994

Terry L. Yates                                  1995

James F. Scudday                            1996

Mark S. Hafner                               1997

Terry C. Maxwell                            1998

Ticul Alvarez-S.                               1999

Edie Marsh-Matthews                    2000

Robert J. Baker                               2001

John T. Baccus                                2002

Robert C. Dowler                            2003

Earl Zimmerman                            2007        

David Edds                                      2010

Bruce Stewart                                  2011

Brian Chapman                               2018

Jerry R. Choate Meritorious Service Award/El Premio Jerry R. Choate Servicio Meritorio

Presented to a member who has contributed outstanding service to the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. The award recognizes service either in an official capacity such as committee membership or editorial responsibilities, or as volunteer service that furthers the aims of the Association./Se otorga a un miembro que haya contribuido servicio sobresaliente a la Southwestern Association of Naturalists. El premio reconoce servicio ya sea en capacidad oficial como miembro de un comité o responsabilidades editoriales, o como servicio voluntario que avanza las metas de la Asociación.


Jerry R. Choate 1999

Michael L. and Phyllis Kennedy 2000

David J. Schmidly 2001

Susana Perea-Fox and Stanley Fox 2005

Paula S. Williamson 2009

Dan Hough 2018

George Miksch Sutton Award in Conservation Research/El Premio en Investigación de Conservación George Miksch Sutton

Recognizes an outstanding paper related to conservation published in The Southwestern Naturalist./Reconoce un artículo sobresaliente relacionado a la conservación publicado en The Southwestern Naturalist.

1995 Hall, D. L. and M. R. Willig. 1994. Mammalian species composition, diversity and succession in conservation reserve program grasslands. The Southwestern Naturalist 39:1-10.

1996 Echelle, A. A., A. F. Echelle, S. Contreras-Balderas, and L. Lozano-Vilano. 1995. Genetic variation in the endangered fish fauna (Atheriniformes: Cyprinodontidae) associated with pluvial Lake Sandía. The Southwestern Naturalist 40:11-17.

1997 Anderson, A. A., C. Hubbs, K. O. Winemiller, and R. J. Edwards. 1995. Texas freshwater fish assemblages following three decades of environmental change. The Southwestern Naturalist 40:314-321.

1998 Robinson, A. T., D. M. Kubly, R. W. Clarkson, and E. D. Creef. 1996. Factors limiting the distributions of native fishes in the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. The Southwestern Naturalist 41:378-387.

1999 Diamond, D. D., C. D. True, and K. He. 1997. Regional priorities for conservation of rare species in Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 42:400-408.

2000 Miller, M. E. 1999. Use of historic aerial photography to study vegetation change in the Negrito Creek watershed, Southwestern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 44:121-137.

2001 Gido, K. B., J. F. Schaefer, K. Work, P. W. Lienesch, E. Marsh-Matthews, and W. J. Matthews. 1999. Effects of red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) on Red River pupfish (Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis). The Southwestern Naturalist 44:287-295.

2002 Douglas, M. R., M. E. Douglas, and P. C. Brunner. 2001. Population estimates, movements, and size structure of the endangered Quitobaquito pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius eremus. The Southwestern Naturalist 46: 141-150.

2003 Kirkpatrick, C., S. DeStefano, R. W. Mannan, and J. Lloyd. 2002. Trends in abundance of grassland birds following a spring prescribed burn in southern Arizona. The Southwestern Naturalist 47: 282-292.

2004 Truett, J. C. 2003. Aplomado Falcons and grazing: Invoking history to plan restoration. The Southwestern Naturalist 47: 379-400.

2005 Bradford, D. F., J. R. Jaeger, and R. D. Jennings. 2004. Population status and distribution of a decimated amphibian, the relict leopard frog (Rana onca). The Southwestern Naturalist 49: 218-228.

2006 Coonan, T. J., C. A. Schwemm, G. W. Roemer, D. K. Garcelon, and L. Munson. 2005. Decline of an island fox subspecies to near extinction. The Southwestern Naturalist 50: 32-41.

2007 Smith, D. A., K. Ralls, B. L. Cypher, H. O. Clark, Jr., P. A. Kelly, D. F. Williams, and J. E. Maldonado. 2006. Relative abundance of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) based on scat-detection dog surveys. The Southwestern Naturalist 51: 210-291.

2008 Barrows, C.W. 2006. Population dynamics of a threatened sand dune lizard. The Southwestern Naturalist 51: 514-523.

2009 Schnell, G. D., M. L. Kennedy, C. Sánchez-Hernández, M. De Lourdes Romero-Almaraz, B. D. N. Estevez, J. A. Guerrero, T. L. Best, M. C. Wooton, and R. D. Owen. 2008. Habitat preference of the endemic tawny deermouse (Peromysus perfulvus), a species of conservation concern. The Southwestern Naturalist 53: 9-20.

2010 Horne, J. S., A. M. Haines, M. E. Tewes, and L. Laack. 2009. Habitat partitioning by sympatric ocelots and bobcats: implications for recovery of ocelots in southern Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 54: 119-126

2011 Barrows, C. W. and M. F. Allen. 2009. Conserving species in fragmented habitats: population dynamics of the flat-tailed horned lizard, Phrynosoma mcallii. The Southwestern Naturalist 54:307-316.

2012 Fries, J. N. and J. R. Gibson. 2010. Critical thermal maxima of captive-bred Devil's River minnows (Dionda diaboli). The Southwestern Naturalist 55(4): 544-550.

2017 Ludwig, J. A., S. M. Wondzell, E. H. Muldavin, K. R. Blanche, and Y. Chauvin. 2017. Native desert grassland plant species declines and accelerated erosion in the Paint Gap Hills of Southwest Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 62 (1): 53–6

2018 Keepers,K., N. Kane, and A. P. Martin. 2018. Following the Fate of Facilitated Migration in a Small Desert Spring. The Southwestern Naturalist. 63(1): 8-16

2019 Mote, Kelton W., Giese, Jordan C., Mathewson, Heather A., and Breeden, Jeff B. 2019. Factors Influencing Nest Survival of Mourning Doves in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist, 64(3-4):210-215

2020 Stromberg, J. C., E. Makings, D. E. Brown, and D. Wolkis. 2020. Conservationi of the Cienega endemic Eryngium sparganophyllum Hemsl. (Apiaceae). The Southwestern Naturalist 65(2): 173-184.

2021 Rocha-Ugalde, Onésimo, José Guadalupe Martínez-Ávalos, Edilia de la Rosa-Manzano, Juan Manuel Ortega-Rodríguez, and Cuauhtémoc Sáenz-Romero. 2021. Impact of climate change on biomes of Tamaulipas and biosphere reserves, El Ciels and Sierra de Tamaulipas, in Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 66(2):120-135.

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