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Southwestern Association of Naturalists

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Each year at its Annual Meeting, the Southwestern Association of Naturalists makes an award for the best paper presented by a student. The Wilks Award provides a monetary allotment of $1000 and a certificate. More information about competing for the Wilks Award can be found under Instructions for Student Awards.

Cada año en su Reunión Anual, la Southwestern Association of Naturalists otorga un premio para la mejor ponencia presentada por un estudiante. El Premio Wilks provee una suma monetaria de $1000 US y un diploma. Información adicional de la competencia para el Premio Wilks se encuentra en Instrucciones para Premios Estudiantiles.


Ruben U. Tovar

University of Texas - Austin

  Evolution Underground: Sensory Compensation Parallels Eye Loss in Neotenic Salamanders (Eurycea)/ Evolución Subterránea: La Compensación Sensorial Es Paralela a la Pérdida de Ojos en Las Salamandras Neoténicas (Eurycea)

Peter Pfaff

Kansas State University

Farm pond fish communities: build it and they will come, stock it and they won’t / Comunidades de peces de estanques agrícolas: constrúyelo y vendrán, siembralo con peces y no vendrán


Angélica Colín Martínez

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México


Evaluation of Philopatry in Mugil cephalus and M. curema for the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific / Evaluacion de la Filopatria en Mugil cephalus y M. curema para el Golfo de Mexico y el Pacifico Mexicano


Justin W. Agan

Oklahoma State University


How Juvenile Sexually Dimorphic Traits Impact Intrasexual Interactions and Fitness in the Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) / Como Caracteristicas Juveniles Sexualmente Dimorficas Impactan las Interacciones Intrasexuales y la Adecuacion en la Lagartija de Collar (Crotaphytus collaris)


Annamaria Savarino-Drago


Breeding success and spatial use of habitat of the Mexican endemic Sierra Madre sparrow in the trans-mexican volcanic belt / Éxito reproductivo y uso espacial de habitat del endémico Mexicano gorrión serrano en el je neovolcánico transversal

 2018 Amara Lee Garza
Texas State University

  Exploring The fitness consequences of alternative life history strategies in two Texas butterfly species/Explorando las consecuencias de la aptitud de estrategias de historia de vida alternativa en dos especies de mariposas de Texas.


Hollis Dahn

University of Central Florida


Comparative phylogeography of Arizona elegans and Rhinocheilus lecontei: two perspectives on North American desert biogeography / Filogeografia comparativa de Arizona elegans y Rhinocheilus lecontei: dos perspectivas sobre la biogeografia del desierto de América del Norte.


Lucas K. Hall

Brigham Young University


Desert bats and water: the importance of flight maneuverability in a changing climate/Los murciélagos del desierto y el agua: la importancia de maniobrabilidad de vuelo en un clima cambiante.


Adam W. Ferguson

Texas Tech University


Skunks at the crossroads: assessing the interplay between environmental, morphological and genetic variation in the American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus)/Zorrillos en la encrucijada: Evaluación de la interacción entre el medio ambiente, variaciones morfológicas, y genéticas en el zorrillo Conepatus leuconotus.


Nathan S. Holoubek

Emporia State University


Bird occupancy in relation to habitat structure in the oak savanna cross timbers of Kansas, USA / Ocupacion de pajaros en relacion a estructuras de habitat en el roble sabana a traves de bisques de Kansas, USA.


Jesús A. Fernández

Louisiana State University


Comparative biogeography of the arid lands of central Mexico/ Biogeografía comparada de las zonas áridas del centro de México.


Sara B. González-Pérez

University of Oklahoma


Bats of Colima, México: characterizing ecological aspects of distributions and habitats/Murciélagos de Colima, México: caracterizando aspectos ecológicos de su distribución y habitat.


Jason Strickland

Angelo State University


Phylogeography of the cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determined by AFLP and venom protein profiles/Filogeografia del mocasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determinado por AFLP y los perfiles de proteinas del veneno.


Shahan Derkarabetian

San Diego State University


Systematics of the Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Cryptic Species and Troglomorphic Evolution / Sistemática Del Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Especies Secreta Y Evolución De Troglomórphico.


Nicté Ordóñez-Garza

Texas Tech University


Sphenotypic and genetic concordance in three species of Central American Peromyscus (Rodentia, Cricetidae).


Jennifer Gumm

Lehigh University


Sex recognition by pupfish: who are female mimics fooling?


Bart W. Durham

Texas Tech University


The influence of stream-discharge on the reproductive success of Great Plains cyprinids: Isi it time for a new paradigm?


P. Raelyn Deaton

University of Oklahoma


Do big boys always win? Male body size affects reproductive success in a livebearing fish.


James B. Johnson

Stephen F. Austin State University


Selection on tadpole morphology and swimming performance: an evaluation of the morphology, performance, and fitness paradigm.


Scott P. Egan

Texas State University


Host plant quality and local adaptation as determinants of the distribution of a gall-forming herbivore.


Dave P. Onorato

Oklahoma State University


Genetic structure of American black bears in the desert southwest of North America: Conservation implications for recolonization.


Ricardo Torres-Cervantes

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Reproductive patterns of an anuran community from the Chihuahuan Desert in Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosí, México.


Chad W. Hargrave

University of Oklahoma


Density-dependent ecosystem effects of fishes from four functional groups.


Linda M. Ilse

Oklahoma State University


Porcupines, pinyon pines, and pine engravers: what's the connection.


Christine L. Hice

Texas Tech University


The impact of habitat and disturbance on small mammal community structure in humid tropical forests.


Richard D. Stevens
Texas Tech University


Tropical bats, subtropical communities, and biogeographic interfaces: Seasonal variation in the structure of a guild of frugivores.


Karen Voltura
University of Oklahoma


Parental investment in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): An experimental manipulation of brood sex ratio.


Paul J. Gier
University of Oklahoma


The interplay between environment, social behavior, and morphology: case studies in Iguanids.


J. Curtis Creighton
University of Oklahoma


Reproductive tradeoffs in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis.

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