Southwestern Association of Naturalists
2023 | Ruben U. Tovar University of Texas - Austin | Evolution Underground: Sensory Compensation Parallels Eye Loss in Neotenic Salamanders (Eurycea)/ Evolución Subterránea: La Compensación Sensorial Es Paralela a la Pérdida de Ojos en Las Salamandras Neoténicas (Eurycea) | |
2022 | Peter Pfaff Kansas State University | Farm pond fish communities: build it and they will come, stock it and they won’t / Comunidades de peces de estanques agrícolas: constrúyelo y vendrán, siembralo con peces y no vendrán | |
2021 |
Angélica Colín Martínez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México |
Evaluation of Philopatry in Mugil cephalus and M. curema for the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific / Evaluacion de la Filopatria en Mugil cephalus y M. curema para el Golfo de Mexico y el Pacifico Mexicano |
2020 | Justin W. Agan Oklahoma State University |
How Juvenile Sexually Dimorphic Traits Impact Intrasexual Interactions and Fitness in the Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) / Como Caracteristicas Juveniles Sexualmente Dimorficas Impactan las Interacciones Intrasexuales y la Adecuacion en la Lagartija de Collar (Crotaphytus collaris) |
2019 |
Annamaria Savarino-Drago |
Breeding success and spatial use of habitat of the Mexican endemic Sierra Madre sparrow in the trans-mexican volcanic belt / Éxito reproductivo y uso espacial de habitat del endémico Mexicano gorrión serrano en el je neovolcánico transversal |
2018 | Amara Lee Garza Texas State University |
Exploring The fitness consequences of alternative life history strategies in two Texas butterfly species/Explorando las consecuencias de la aptitud de estrategias de historia de vida alternativa en dos especies de mariposas de Texas. | |
2016 |
Hollis Dahn University of Central Florida |
Comparative phylogeography of Arizona elegans and Rhinocheilus lecontei: two perspectives on North American desert biogeography / Filogeografia comparativa de Arizona elegans y Rhinocheilus lecontei: dos perspectivas sobre la biogeografia del desierto de América del Norte. |
2015 |
Lucas K. Hall Brigham Young University |
Desert bats and water: the importance of flight maneuverability in a changing climate/Los murciélagos del desierto y el agua: la importancia de maniobrabilidad de vuelo en un clima cambiante. |
2014 |
Adam W. Ferguson Texas Tech University |
Skunks at the crossroads: assessing the interplay between environmental, morphological and genetic variation in the American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus)/Zorrillos en la encrucijada: Evaluación de la interacción entre el medio ambiente, variaciones morfológicas, y genéticas en el zorrillo Conepatus leuconotus. |
2013 |
Nathan S. Holoubek Emporia State University |
Bird occupancy in relation to habitat structure in the oak savanna cross timbers of Kansas, USA / Ocupacion de pajaros en relacion a estructuras de habitat en el roble sabana a traves de bisques de Kansas, USA. |
2012 |
Jesús A. Fernández Louisiana State University |
Comparative biogeography of the arid lands of central Mexico/ Biogeografía comparada de las zonas áridas del centro de México. |
2012 |
Sara B. González-Pérez University of Oklahoma |
Bats of Colima, México: characterizing ecological aspects of distributions and habitats/Murciélagos de Colima, México: caracterizando aspectos ecológicos de su distribución y habitat. |
2011 |
Jason Strickland Angelo State University |
Phylogeography of the cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determined by AFLP and venom protein profiles/Filogeografia del mocasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus, determinado por AFLP y los perfiles de proteinas del veneno. |
2010 |
Shahan Derkarabetian San Diego State University |
Systematics of the Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Cryptic Species and Troglomorphic Evolution / Sistemática Del Sclerobuninae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores): Especies Secreta Y Evolución De Troglomórphico. |
2009 |
Nicté Ordóñez-Garza Texas Tech University |
Sphenotypic and genetic concordance in three species of Central American Peromyscus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). |
2008 |
Jennifer Gumm Lehigh University |
Sex recognition by pupfish: who are female mimics fooling? |
2007 |
Bart W. Durham Texas Tech University |
The influence of stream-discharge on the reproductive success of Great Plains cyprinids: Isi it time for a new paradigm? |
2006 |
P. Raelyn Deaton University of Oklahoma |
Do big boys always win? Male body size affects reproductive success in a livebearing fish. |
2005 |
James B. Johnson Stephen F. Austin State University |
Selection on tadpole morphology and swimming performance: an evaluation of the morphology, performance, and fitness paradigm. |
2004 |
Scott P. Egan Texas State University |
Host plant quality and local adaptation as determinants of the distribution of a gall-forming herbivore. |
2003 |
Dave P. Onorato Oklahoma State University |
Genetic structure of American black bears in the desert southwest of North America: Conservation implications for recolonization. |
2002 |
Ricardo Torres-Cervantes Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Reproductive patterns of an anuran community from the Chihuahuan Desert in Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosí, México. |
2002 |
Chad W. Hargrave University of Oklahoma |
Density-dependent ecosystem effects of fishes from four functional groups. |
2001 |
Linda M. Ilse Oklahoma State University |
Porcupines, pinyon pines, and pine engravers: what's the connection. |
2000 |
Christine L. Hice Texas Tech University |
The impact of habitat and disturbance on small mammal community structure in humid tropical forests. |
1999 |
Richard D. Stevens |
Tropical bats, subtropical communities, and biogeographic interfaces: Seasonal variation in the structure of a guild of frugivores. |
1998 |
Karen Voltura |
Parental investment in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): An experimental manipulation of brood sex ratio. |
1997 |
Paul J. Gier |
The interplay between environment, social behavior, and morphology: case studies in Iguanids. |
1996 |
J. Curtis Creighton |
Reproductive tradeoffs in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis. |