The Southwestern Association of Naturalists
Minutes of the Business Meeting
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Friday, 10 April 1998
President Echelle called the meeting to order at 1300 MT. A quorum was present.
Approval of the minutes of the 1997 Business Meeting was moved and seconded.
The minutes were approved without correction.
President Echelle appointed Jeff Carpenter, Paul Shipman, Brian Arbogast,
William Lutterschmidt, Brock McMillan, and Karen Voltura to be tellers for
President Echelle and the tellers conducted the election of four new members of
the Board of Governors to replace members (Stanley Fox, Robert Dowler, Beth
Leuck, Brenda Clark) whose terms expire this year. No nominations by mail were
reported by the Secretary. President Echelle called for nominations from the
floor and 10 members were nominated and seconded. Gary Schnell moved that
nominations cease, Jerry Choate seconded and the motion carried. Ballots were
distributed, collected and were to be counted and the results announced at the
banquet Friday evening.
Treasurer Williamson reported on 1997 finances. A summary is
contained in the minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Governors and Officers.
Income totaled $50,273, expenses totaled $68,589, expenses exceeded income by
$18,316 and Williamson transferred $4,150 to the Trustees for investment. The
checkbook balance was $47,448 (31 December 1996) and $24,982 (31 December
1996). Williamson explained that the seemingly large difference between
expenses and income was due to a publication delay in 1996 and that the money
was held over from the 1996 budget to pay for delayed issues of the journal.
Further details are included in the Minutes of the Board of Governors and
Officers and in the Treasurer's written report.
The Treasurer then reported on 1997 memberships, which were 831 in various
categories of individuals and 375 institutions. By April 1997,individual
memberships had declined to 659. This decrease is consistent with patterns from
earlier years, and probably will be recouped by years' end. Next, Williamson
conducted the election of new members. She introduced a list of 47 regular, 37
student, 1 sustaining, 4 family (8 persons), and 6 gift prospective members.
There was a motion and second to approve the new members. The motion carried.
She then reported that from the data collected for the directory, 346 members
work primarily with mammals, 213 with birds, 244 with amphibians and reptiles,
175 with invertebrates, 183 with plants, and 157 with fishes. This total of
1,318 exceeds the membership total of 1251 because some individuals reported
more than one area of primary interest.
Williamson then reported on the 1999 balanced budget of $54,300 approved at the
Meeting of the Board of Governors and Officers on 9 April 1998. A summary is
contained in the minutes of that meeting.
Jerry Choate reported for the Board of Trustees that: (1) as of 31 December
1996 the endowment fund included mutual-fund shares valued at $158,230.63; (2)
as of 31 December 1999 the value of the fund had increased to $199,679.20 due
to a strong stock-market performance (market performance of +24.8%) and $2,150
in contributions. President Echelle called for questions and discussion of the
Trustee's report. There were none, and Echelle thanked Choate for the report
and for his and the other Trustee's work for the association.
Beth Leuck reported for the Budget Oversight Committee that the committee found
the fiscal affairs of the association to be in good order.
Managing Editor Edie Marsh-Matthews reported the same information to
the Business Meeting as was earlier provided to the BOG and reported in the
Minutes of the Board of Governors and Officers. The journal is back on
publication schedule, Karen McBee will now take over as Managing Editor, and
David Edds is now Associate Editor for Fishes.
Marsh-Matthews then thanked José Pedro do Amaral, a University of Oklahoma
graduate student, for his work on the WWW homepage, and thanked Troy Baird,
Bill Van Auken, Aurelio Ramirez-Bautista, Steve Cook, Caryn Vaughn, and Paula
Williamson for ad hoc or acting editorial services this year. She also thanked
Bruce DeMarais for serving as Associate Editor for Fishes (he is stepping
down), and Jenni Thommpson and Sylvia Montero for service in the editorial
office, and extended thanks to all continuing Associate Editors for their work.
William J. Matthews reported for the Honors Committee that:
Caryn Vaughn gave the Conservation Committee Report. The
Conservation Award (reported
in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Governors and Officers) was
to be made at the banquet.
President Echelle reported for the Public Relations Committee that the
committee provided announcements of association awards to appropriate media,
and thanked committee members for their help.
Robert Dowler reported on the status of back issues. Storage of back issues is
expensive, but will be reduced to nothing in the future, because Angelo State
University will donate storage space. We need to liquidate additional sets,
which are available for $100, payable to the Treasurer; requests to Dowler.
Sets will be given to Mexican colleagues and institutions and Dowler asked for
volunteers to transport them to Monterey next year. Echelle thanked Dowler for
his report.
Program Chair Karen McBee reminded the meeting that the 1999 meeting will be
hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, the
2000 meeting by the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, and that no new
nominations or proposals for meeting sites have been received. She reported
that plans are proceeding for both meetings. She also introduced Ron Van Den
Bussche, the new committee chair.
Salvador Contreras-Balderas reported on plans for the 1999 meeting in
Monterrey. He issued assurances of an excellent meeting and encouraged
participation. The meeting will occur on 22 24 April following Easter weekend.
There was some discussion from members regarding travel to Mexico and
Michael Bogan announced for the Local Committee that the paper by Brian S.
Arbogast and Joseph B. Slowinski ("Pleistocene Vicariance and the
Mitochondrial DNA Clock") originally scheduled for the Plenary Session and
a competitor for the Wilks Award, would instead be presented in the Community
Modeling and Bird Ecology session at 4:00 p.m.. The rearrangement was
necessitated by flight delays caused by weather. The paper remained eligible
for the Wilks competition.
The Local Committee also announced that the banquet was moved to the area where
the posters were viewed and that a shuttle schedule for transport to the
airport was posted at the registration desk. Joseph Manness asked for
nominations for free student memberships before the end of the meeting.
President Echelle reminded members to attend the banquet and social Friday
No new business was brought forward.
The following actions were taken at the 1998 Banquet on the evening of Friday
10 April 1998: President Echelle announced that Robert Dowler, Edie
Marsh-Matthews, Phillip Sudman and Christopher Taylor were elected to three
year terms as Governors.
The Robert L. Packard Award for Teaching Excellence was presented to Mark. S.
Hafner of Louisiana State University and the W. Frank Blair Eminent Naturalist
Award was presented to Harley P. Brown of The University of Oklahoma.
The Wilks Award for the Outstanding Student Paper was given to Karen Voltura of
The University of Oklahoma Department of Zoology for her report, "Parental
Investment in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus): An Experimental Manipulation
of Brood Sex Ratio." Voltura received a check for $250 from the Student
Awards Fund and a nearly complete set of back issues of The Southwestern
Erin Walker of Texas Tech University received a $150 check from the Student
Awards fund and a nearly complete set of The Southwestern Naturalist for
winning the competition for the Outstanding Student Poster. The winning poster
was titled "Effect of Variable Winds on Dispersal of Wind Dispersed
Fruits: The Role of the Beak," and was co-authored by Mark A. McGinley.
A.T. Robinson, D.M. Kubly, R.W. Clarkson and E.D. Creef received the George M.
Sutton Conservation Award for their paper, "Factors Limiting the
Distributions of Native Fishes in the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon,
Arizona" (The Southwestern Naturalist 41:378-387).
Jerry Choate read and the membership adopted the following resolution:
Following a motion, second and approval for adjournment, the
Business Meeting adjourned at 1515 MDT.
Submitted by David L. McNeely, Secretary
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